Electronic Components

 How Electronic Component Work

Electronic gadgets have become an important part of our lives. They all have made our lives more  convenient and working speed have increase.

This article provide all overview for all electronic component . Then I provide more electronic circuit  diagram.

1.Power Switches
1. Component- Power Switches

Power switch has provide many types. Like-SPST,SPDT,DPST,DPDT. They are used as on/off switches on and off the main power supply of electronic devices.

Single pole single throw (SPST) Switch
power switch is a They are used as on/off switches on and off the main power supply of electronic devices.
What is the mean of the symbol which is provide in this picture.
It has two symbol "0" and "--". They are international symbols for power on and off.
"0" mean the power is off.
"--" mean the power is on.
To turn on the power press "0"and to turn off the power press"--"

Circuit Diagram

Off condition diagram

On condition

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