How to make a circuit 12v to 5v

 How to Make a 5v regulate power supply

This is a electronic circuit device that converts 12v DC supply to 5v DC supply. There is 12v battery or any 12v supply, After then 12v DC supply then there is filter capacitor to filter pure DC supply .In this project we are going to build a simple 5V power supply using 7805 regulator.

LM 7805 is a common and easily find in market. This is fix linear voltage regulator and it is three terminal pin regulator .First pin is input voltage ,Second pin is Ground, Third pin is output pin, Output current is 1A can be drawn from the IC with the proper heat sink.


  5V Dc power supply is use in 
  • Battery charger 
  • 5v device to operate
  • Electronic Projects
  • Automation
  • Etc.

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